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Auroville: A Unique Experiment in Sustainable Living



Auroville, located in the southern part of India, is a unique international township that stands as a symbol of unity, sustainability, and spiritual harmony. Developed as an experimental city, Auroville attracts people from all corners of the globe who seek to live in an environment that fosters human unity and conscious living.

In Shorts

Development and Purpose:

Auroville was developed by Mirra Alfassa, a spiritual collaborator of Sri Aurobindo, and founded on February 28, 1968. The purpose behind Auroville’s creation was to establish a universal town where people from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and nationalities could live together in harmony, transcending the limitations of nationality, creed, and ideology.

Residency and Eligibility:

Anyone can live in Auroville, regardless of nationality, religion, or race. There are no restrictions on who can join, and individuals are encouraged to bring their unique skills and talents to contribute to the community’s growth. To become a resident, one needs to apply, and acceptance is based on the person’s commitment to the ideals of Auroville.

Financial Considerations:

Auroville operates on a self-sustaining model, and residents are expected to contribute their skills and services. While there is no set amount of money required to live in Auroville, residents are encouraged to live a simple and sustainable lifestyle. The community generates income through various economic activities, including agriculture, handicrafts, and eco-friendly initiatives.

Economic Practices:

Residents of Auroville engage in various economic activities to sustain themselves and the community. These activities range from organic farming and handicrafts to alternative healing practices and sustainable technologies.

Inclusivity for Indians:

Indians are welcome to join Auroville, and many have become integral members of the community. Auroville promotes inclusivity, and people from all walks of life are encouraged to participate in its vision of human unity.

Lifestyle and Rules:

Auroville operates on principles of sustainability, equality, and spiritual growth. While there is no strict dress code, residents are encouraged to adopt a simple and modest lifestyle. Auroville promotes a holistic approach to living, emphasizing inner development and outer harmony.

Ownership and Governance:

Auroville is governed by the Auroville Foundation, which operates under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The land is collectively owned by the Auroville Foundation, and decisions are made through a participatory process involving residents.

Duration of Stay:

Residents can choose to stay in Auroville for a short or extended period. Some individuals may visit for a few weeks or months, while others commit to a more permanent residency, aligning with the principles of the community.

Infrastructure and Facilities:

Auroville is not made of gold, but it boasts unique architecture and sustainable infrastructure. The Matrimandir, a spiritual center at the heart of Auroville, is a renowned architectural marvel. The township also includes educational institutions, eco-friendly housing, and cultural spaces.

Land Ownership:

Individuals cannot buy land in Auroville, as the community operates on a collective ownership model. Land is owned by the Auroville Foundation, and residents contribute to the community through their skills and services.


While Auroville does not have its own currency, the economy functions using a combination of the Indian Rupee and the Auroville Unit of Value (AUV), an internal currency used for transactions within the community.


Auroville is not affiliated with any particular religion. Instead, it encourages spiritual growth and unity, welcoming people of all faiths and beliefs.

Auroville’s Future:

Auroville faces challenges like any other community, including environmental concerns and the need for sustainable development. However, the community remains committed to its vision of a united and harmonious world.


Auroville stands as a testament to the possibility of creating a global community based on principles of unity, sustainability, and spiritual growth. Whether you are seeking a short-term retreat or a lifelong commitment, Auroville provides a unique and enriching experience for those interested in conscious living and harmonious coexistence.

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